Saturday, June 29, 2024

Kerja anda bakal diganti dengan AI

Ada orang cakap. Kerja kena keras. Baru boleh berjaya.

Kalau kau ukur kerja keras baru boleh berjaya. Sepatutnya, buruh binaan, yang paling kaya. Sebab diorang kuat, rajin dan buat kerja keras.

Tapi golongan yang kaya. Kebanyakannya.. buat kerja yang banyak berfikir. Cari idea. Laksanakan idea.

Ada yang jadi kaya. Hanya dengan jadi orang tengah, broker, agen.

Kaya kat sini.. subjektif. Terpulang cara kau fikir.

Tapi aku dah jumpa banyak short cut. Sepanjang aku guide kengkawan yang perlukan khidmat yang aku bagi.

So aku just bagi short cut kat diorang. So kerja diorang jadi RINGAN dan cepat.

Kalau dulu nak kena tunggu 3-5 tahun baru nampak hasil.
Sekarang 6-12 bulan je dah boleh automate banyak benda.

Cuma ada satu part je lagi yang tak leh nak automate.

iaitu… kreatif VIDEO… ugc. Kalau part ni dah boleh automate nanti. Aku rasa lagi cepat utk company grow biz diorang.

Uber tak perlu driver. Tak perlu invest taxi. Dia jadi ejen dan provide servis teksi. 

TikTok tak perlu sediakan content video utk platform. Diorang ada user yang akan penuhkan content video.

Percaya tak kalau aku cakap. Lagi 5-10 tahun. Produk akan bersepah dalam market. Kau baru je nak fikir. Orang dah buat. Malah diorang buat pada standard TOP NOTCH.

Boleh ranking No.1

Kau rasa kenapa Tesla buat kereta auto pilot? Dia nak user Kereta Tesla.. jadi trainer kereta dia.

Secara diorang tak perasan. A.I. Tesla.. akan sedut segala data dan corak pemanduan. Maka bila A.I. dah cukup cerdik. Diorang akan memandu dgn lebih cekap. Tanpa risiko lalai atau mikro sleep. Lepastu tugas driver semua. Akan diganti oleh robot.

Next dia cipta PRIME. Robot A.I. yang boleh ganti kerja manusia jadi personal assistant atau bibik. Robot boleh kemas rumah dll.

Anggaran dia nak jual dlm USD10K.. atau bawah USD20K.

Kalau kereta dah self drive. Kerja manusia PRIME boleh ambil alih. Aku dah nampak.. pasaraya.. barista.. pekerja kilang… tak lama lagi.. akn diganti dgn robot…

Bayar robot sekali. Boleh guna sampai 10-20 tahun.
Sama macam kereta EV. Beli sekali.. pakai sampai 10-20 tahun.

Sedarlah wahai manusia. Otak kau sedang disedut oleh A.I. untuk jadi 100-1000X ganda lebih bagus. Lebih laju.

Bila kenderaan, staff, boleh diganti robot dan A.I.
Manusia tu boleh diganti.

Start sekarang. Kau cekapkan diri. Cari lubuk kerja yang tak boleh diganti dengan robot.

Aku dah boleh nampak. Next 5-10 tahun lagi.
Produk jadi sangat murah. Sebab orang tengah dah kena potong.

Kereta murah. Rumah murah.

Ramai orang nak hidup bersederhana tapi seronok dan mudah.

Kalau 2019 sampai 2022 kita kena Covid dan lock down.

Ada satu masa nanti. Sistem kawalan dikenakan sekali lagi. Masa tu kau standbye ya.

Tak caya? Sah brp banyak EV kat atas jalan raya sekarang? Kau rasa.. robot PRIME tu..  xda?

Kau skrg pun asyik chat ngan A.I je keje..

PS: Jangan bagi harapan palsu, kalau kau tak leh pegang janji.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

These 8 AI Spreadsheet Tools Will Help You Work 100x Faster and More Efficiently

RIP Excel!

These 8 AI spreadsheet tools will help you work 100x faster and more efficiently! 👇

1. PromptLoop -
Imagine if you can transform, extract, or summarize text using AI right in your sheets.
PromptLoop is perfect both for SEO and sales lists.
Try it here:

2. Numerous AI -
You don't need to write or remember any formulas anymore.
Just add Numerous AI and you're ready to do anything in Google sheets.
Try it here:

3. DocParser -
Has it ever happened that you need to extract data from PDFs fast?
This is exactly what DocParser does—saving you time in manual data entry.
Try it here:

4. Simple ML for Sheets-
99% of people believe that building AI models is hard but Simple ML for Sheets does.
Try it here:

5.  Ajelix-
If you want to increase your speed in doing spreadsheet-related tasks, Ajelix is here at your service.
Write and explain formulas, translate sheets, and much more with ease.
Try it here:

6.  MonkeyLearn-
MonkeyLearn empowers text tagging, sentiment analysis, and keyword extraction right inside an integration with Google Sheets.
Try it here:

7.  Excelformulabot -
Imagine turning text instructions into formulas within a snap.
That's what Excelformulabot does for you.
Try it here:

8.  Two Minute Report-
Imagine the case of having many data sources connected to Google Sheets and ensuring that reports are generated automatically.
Two Minute Report helps in creating dashboards and much more.Try it here:

PS: I made you a list of my 150 FAVORITE AI tools!

Source 📷

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Eight manipulation tricks that will make you the master of control.

Eight manipulation tricks that will make you the master of control.

Number one, to make someone second guess themselves. Simply ask, are you sure about that?

Number two, if someone tries to argue with you, stay calm and whisper your response.
They'll have to quiet down to hear you. 

Number three, when someone says sorry to you, don't just say no problem. Say thank you and they won't do it again.

Number four, if someone bullies you, laugh at them. They'll become embarrassed.

Number five, to stop someone from yelling at you, stand closer to them and say, having a bad day.

Number six, if you want someone to stop talking, drop something on the ground and as you pick it up, interrupt them. 

Number seven, if you want to capture everyone's attention, look at the sky in shock. This will create a commotion.

Number eight, to divert someone's attention from the topic, ask them a personal question. This will make them focus on themselves instead.


Sunday, June 9, 2024

Kisah Dato' Shareen di Nona

Kisah Dato' Shareen di Nona

Saat sedang berada di kemuncak kerjaya & bisnes maju, Allah tarik nikmat sihat Dato’ Shareen. Waktu itu, dia sedar segala wang ringgit, kemewahan &... | By Nona

Jun 9, 2024, 5:05 PM

Saat sedang berada di kemuncak kerjaya & bisnes maju, Allah tarik nikmat sihat Dato’ Shareen. Waktu itu, dia sedar segala wang ringgit, kemewahan & status tak menjamin apa². Saat itulah menjadin'turning point' until dia dekatkan diri dengan Allah SWT | By Nona

(0:00) Suzy Bayang came at a young age, at 33 years old. 
(0:06) 33 years old. 
(0:07) At that time, it was my prime time.
(0:09) I had the best business. 
(0:10) I had a lot of staff. 
(0:12) I had a lot of sales.
(0:14) I had a lot of big contract tenders. 
(0:17) Everything was so in its prime. 
(0:20) Life was in its prime.
(0:21) Suddenly, at that time, I felt like, 
(0:26) Why? Why me? 
(0:27) What did I do wrong? 
(0:28) I prayed, I did charity. 
(0:30) I did everything. 
(0:31) But why? 
(0:32) Allah is not being fair to me.
(0:34) This is what my heart said. 
(0:37) Because I felt like, 
(0:38) It's not fair. 
(0:39) I'm still young.
(0:41) I do all what you ask me to do. 
(0:43) But why? 
(0:45) But Suzy, 
(0:47) that's how strong our faith is. 
(0:50) We don't have faith.
(0:51) It's not that we don't have faith. 
(0:52) We don't have faith to question. 
(0:55) To question.
(0:55) That's why, 
(0:57) our life is a journey to an eternal destination. 
(1:02) That's what we forget along the way... (1:04) ...because we're happy with what we have. 
(1:08) The test of hardship, sadness and poverty... 
(1:12) actually easier and more beautiful... (1:14) ...than the test of happiness.
(1:16) We forget the happiness. 
(1:17) We feel like we're the ones who are good at getting contracts. 
(1:19) We feel like we're the ones who are diligent... 
(1:21) getting good business.
(1:22) We feel like we have everything. 
(1:23) But when Allah tests us, 
(1:25) that's the sign of Allah's love. 
(1:28) That's when my life changed.
(1:30) It brought me closer to Allah. 
(1:32) That's how we realise. 
(1:34) When a scholar said to me, 
(1:36) There are so many young and rich people... 
(1:40) ...who have Allah's blessings.
(1:42) Allah told me that I can take it anytime. (1:44) That's when I realised that... 
(1:49) ...Allah has given us this life... 
(1:51) ...because Allah loves us. 
(1:52) Allah will bring us back.

Saturday, June 8, 2024



Son: Dad, may I speak with you?
Dad: Go ahead.
Son: Among all my classmates, I am the only one without a car. It is embarrassing.
Dad: What do you want me to do?
Son: I need a car. I don't want to feel odd.
Dad: Do you have a particular car in mind?
Son: Yes dad (smiling)
Dad: How much?
Son: 500,000 pesos
Dad: I will give you the money on one condition.
Son: What is the condition?
Dad: You will not use the money to buy a car but invest it. If you make enough profit from the investment, you can go ahead and buy the car.
Son: Deal.

Then, the father gave him a cheque of 500,000 pesos. The son cashed the cheque and invested it in obedience to the verbal agreement that he had with his father.

Some months later, the father asked the son how he was faring. The son responded that his business was improving. The father left him. 

When it was exactly a year after he gave him the money, the father asked him to show him how far the business has gone. The son readily agreed and the following discussion took place:

Dad: From this I can see that you have made a lot of money.
Son: Yes dad.
Dad: Do you still remember our agreement?
Son: Yes
Dad: What is it?
Son: We agreed that I should invest the money and buy the car from the profit.
Dad: Why have you not bought the car?
Son: I don't need the car again. I want to invest more.
Dad: Good. You have learnt the lessons that I wanted to teach you.
- You didn't really need the car, you just wanted to feel among. That would have placed extra financial obligations on you. It wasn't an asset then; but a liability.
- Two, it is very important for you to invest in your future before living like a king.
Son: Thanks dad.

Then the father gave him the keys of the latest model of that car.

1. Always invest first before you start living the way you want.

2. What you see as a need now may become a want if you can take a little time to get over your feelings.

3. Try to be able to distinguish between an asset and a liability so that what you see as an asset today will not become a liability to you tomorrow.