Saturday, April 27, 2024

50 Pengajaran daripada perjalanan lebih 20 tahun dalam dunia keusahawanan.

50 Pengajaran drp perjalanan lebih 20 tahun dalam dunia keusahawanan.

1. The more you give, the more you get back. Kalau fikir diri sendiri je, susah nk berjaya. Fokus nk bantu orang2 yg bersama dlm bisnes kita. Naik sama2.

2. Law of attraction: kita attract apa kita fikir. Kalau fikir negatif, kita akan dikelilingi perkara2 negatif. Kalau positif, perkara2 positif akan mengelilingi kita. 

3. Wajib ada tujuan yg jelas. Bila dah set, buat sampai jadi. Takde patah balik dah. Die die deliver

4. Sentiasa akan ada cabaran. Nikmati cabaran2 tu. Jangan mengeluh. Mana boleh berjaya senang2 je. Sbnrnya x susah pun, ilmu dan pengalaman kita yg kurang. Cari jalan. Setiap kali berjaya selesaikan satu issue, kita akan jd lebih bijak dan hebat drp diri kita sebelum nya.

5. Bisnes ada up and down. Jangan rasa hebat sgt bila kita di atas. Plan jauh ke depan. Kukuhkan cash reserve. Bila ada duit lebih, invest! 

6. Beli 1 kereta mewah untuk marketing dan trust. Orang kita suka tgk tu. Tp kalau x perlu, lagi baik beli income generating assets.

7. Setiap duit kita keluar kena tahu ROI nya. (Return of investment). 

8. Setiap duit kita keluar ada risiko. Tahu bila nk exit. Tahu risk to reward nya. 

9. Nak berjaya ada 3 faktor. 30% planning, 69% execution, 1% luck. Kejayaan bukan nasib. Tp planning dan execution yg btl. Kalau klcc dibina atas dasar nasib, jahannnammmm..

10. You hire, you fire.

11. Buat decision based on facts and figures, not based on emotion.

12. Basic dalam bisnes ni is supply and demand. Make sure fahamkan benda ni. Jangan masuk dlm bisnes yg supply melebihi demand.

13. Always fahamkan competitor. Jangan syok sendiri dlm bisnes.

14. Akan ada masa kita yg run bisnes ni akan pancit. Make sure dlm 10 tahun bisnes dah auto. Jangan lepas 10 tahun masih kita yg dok run sendiri. 

15. Perjalanan bisnes ni kita mula dgn kerja sendiri mcm kuli batak... Lepas kita dah faham selok belok nya, kita invest kat tallent2.. bagi diorg lebih berjaya daripada kita. 

16. Konsep 70/30. 30% keuntungan utk kita yg invest, 70% keuntungan utk yg buat kerja.

17. Hukum paretto itu benar. Staf kita ke. Ejen kita ke.. customer kita ke.. supplier ke..atau dengan siapa kita deal, dlm 10 org, 2-3 org je yg btl2 berqualiti. Dah dpt yg kualiti ni pegang baik2. Mereka ni asset2 kita.

18. Semua orang ada kepentingan nya tersendiri. Jangan harap org suka2 nak ikut kita. Cari win win situation. 2 2 kena ada benefits yg adil dalam sebuah usahasama.

19. Belajar ilmu communication dan negotiation. Ni sgt2 penting dlm bisnes. Budak2 skrg ramai yg kelaut bab ni. Sayang 1000x sayang. 

20. Jangan ego. Belajar drp anak2 muda. Kerja kita empower dan support anak2 muda ni. Cukup sekadar bagi nasihat, bukan mengarah dan mengajar..melainkan mereka minta di ajar. Bagi kepercayaan pada mereka. Ni zaman mereka. 

20. Belajar ilmu duit bekerja untuk kita. Dapat master ilmu ni settle masalah kewangan kita. 

21. Jaga sillatulrahim. Bisnes tu asbab je utk kita bersahabat utk tujuan yg lebih besar daripada diri kita sendiri. 

22. Jaga keberkatan. Tak guna duit banyak kalau tak berkat. Kalau berkat duit sikit pun cukup je. Yang penting tenang dan damai. Masa kita punya. 

23. Sebelum nk beli rumah, kereta, kawin, pergi haji dulu. Masa skrg ni 60k dah boleh terus pergi. Takyah tunggu turn ikut tabung haji. Kalau org meniaga ni, 60k tu insyaAllah boleh capai. Dah pergi haji doa baik2 utk kehidupan kita akan dtg. InsyaAllah balik haji kehidupan lebih stabil. Settlekn yg wajib. Takut nnt mati xle jawab pulak.. pakai mustang boleh. Tapi haji x boleh. Dan jangan risau pasal duit bila nk pegi haji ni, xde berkurangan se sen pun duit kita. Allah ganti berkali kali ganda lagi. 

24. Kalau dah tahap investor, guna masa dan keuntungan yg ada utk bantu keluarga, kawan2, agama, bangsa dan negara. Biar bila mati nanti ramai yg dtg solatkan kita. Aamiin.

25. Bersambung [Part 2]

Monday, April 15, 2024

4 Books That Will Make You Becoming a Human Magnet: Unlocking the Power of Communication and Connection

In today's fast-paced world, the ability to attract and connect with people is a valuable skill that can open doors to numerous opportunities in both personal and professional life. Fortunately, there are several insightful books that provide invaluable guidance on how to become a human magnet – someone who effortlessly draws others towards them through effective communication, leadership, and empathy.

  1. How to Talk to Anyone by Leil Lowndes: In this engaging book, Leil Lowndes shares practical tips and techniques for mastering the art of conversation. From small talk to deep conversations, Lowndes offers strategies for building rapport, making a memorable impression, and fostering genuine connections with people from all walks of life. By learning how to navigate social interactions with confidence and charisma, readers can become more approachable and captivating individuals. 

  2. How the Best Leaders Lead by Brian Tracy: Leadership is not just about giving orders; it's about inspiring and motivating others to achieve common goals. In "How the Best Leaders Lead," Brian Tracy distills the essence of effective leadership into actionable principles that anyone can apply. From setting a clear vision to fostering teamwork and communication, Tracy outlines the key qualities and behaviors of successful leaders. By honing these leadership skills, individuals can become magnets for talent, loyalty, and success.

  3. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie: A timeless classic, Dale Carnegie's masterpiece has helped millions of people around the world improve their social skills and enhance their interpersonal relationships. Through a series of practical principles and anecdotes, Carnegie teaches readers how to communicate effectively, build trust, and win people over to their way of thinking. By mastering the principles outlined in this book, individuals can become magnets for friendship, respect, and influence. 

  4. How to Listen with Intention by Patrick King: Listening is often overlooked but is one of the most powerful tools for building connections and understanding others. In "How to Listen with Intention," Patrick King explores the art of active listening and its transformative effects on communication. By learning to truly listen – not just hear – what others have to say, individuals can deepen their relationships, foster empathy, and create meaningful connections. By becoming better listeners, individuals can attract others who value being heard and understood. 

In conclusion, by studying and applying the insights from these four books, individuals can unlock their full potential as human magnets – drawing others towards them through the power of effective communication, leadership, empathy, and genuine connection. Whether in personal relationships, professional settings, or everyday interactions, the principles outlined in these books offer a roadmap for becoming magnetic individuals who inspire, influence, and leave a lasting impact on those around them.