Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Jake Paul: Dari YouTuber Kontroversi ke Boxing Star $40 Juta

"Jake Paul: Dari YouTuber Kontroversi ke Boxing Star $40 Juta"
[awas: panjang]

Jake Paul bukan fighter biasa. Dia bukan datang dari dunia boxing tradisional, tapi dari dunia content creator. Tapi kau tahu apa yang buat dia lain dari fighter lain? Dia tunjukkan yang marketing adalah senjata utama, tak kisah kau suka atau benci dia.

Lepas dia menang fight lawan Mike Tyson, aku sendiri tertanya-tanya๐Ÿง

"Eh, kenapa Jake Paul dapat $40 juta, tapi Mike Tyson hanya $20 juta?"
Jawapannya: Dia faham macam mana nak guna perhatian orang untuk menang dalam ekonomi hari ini

Jake Paul dapat bayaran lebih tinggi sebab dia ada market leverage yang luar biasa sekarang. Bukan sebab dia lebih hebat bertinju, tapi sebab dia tahu macam mana nak monetize attention.

1. Audience yang Besar dan Engaged

Jake Paul ada jutaan pengikut di YouTube, Instagram, dan platform media sosial lain. Audience dia bukan sekadar besar, tapi aktif dan obses. Bila Jake promote event, fans dia sanggup bayar untuk tengok, sebab dia memang entertainer yang tahu macam mana nak cipta hype.

2. Pay-Per-View (PPV) King

Jake ni ada rekod dalam dunia PPV, event dia sebelum ini seperti lawan Tommy Fury dan Tyron Woodley, berjaya jual berjuta-juta PPV. Sponsors dan promotors tahu Jake adalah cash cow sebab orang memang bayar untuk tengok dia, sama ada nak sokong atau nak tengok dia kena belasah. ๐Ÿ˜‚

3. Marketing Genius

Jake adalah master of controversy. Dia buat drama, gaduh dengan fighter lain, dan trash talk yang membuatkan ramai orang tak sabar nak tengok apa jadi. Semakin ramai benci dia, semakin tinggi viewership dia. Mike Tyson, walaupun seorang legend, tak agresif sangat dengan marketing.

4. Demographic yang Fresh

Jake Paul tarik audience muda yang tak semestinya hardcore boxing fans, tapi lebih kepada entertainment crowd. Ini gold mine untuk penaja sebab demographic ini banyak belanja untuk tiket, merch, dan live streams. Mike Tyson pula lebih kepada old-school fans.

Aku dan famili kumpul ramai-ramai tengok live streaming diorang fight di Texas. Semua tengok sebab harapkan Mike Tyson menang dan Jake Paul kalah. Sebab apa? 

Simple. Mike Tyson adalah legend dan hero boxing sejak kecil dan Jake Paul adalah youtuber yang annoying. Lagi mendidih bila dia trash talk Mike Tyson.


Adakah memang perangai dia atau strategi marketing dia?

So, ini few point yang aku observe dari dia.๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป

1. Dia Sengaja Jadikan Diri Dia “Villain”✅
Jake faham psikologi manusia: orang lebih suka tengok orang lain jatuh daripada menang. So dia intentionally buat orang benci:

• Cakap besar: "Aku fighter terbaik generasi aku!" walaupun baru start boxing.

• Trash talk fighter lain dengan panggilan kurang ajar, siap buat drama kat press conference.

• Lawan fighter yang “tak setanding” (MMA fighters, retired athletes), buat orang geram sebab dia ambil jalan mudah.

So bila orang benci = orang tak sabar nak tengok dia kena belasah. Lagi banyak orang bercakap, lagi tinggi viewership dia. Win-win for him.

Dalam buku "How to Sell Without Selling" yang aku baca (best gila buku ni), ada satu konsep tentang menjadi polarizing atau mencipta "villain" dunia bisnes.

Polarizing ni bermaksud kau buat orang ambil pendirian tegas:
• Ada yang suka kau gila-gila.
• Ada yang benci kau nak mampos.

Jake Paul ni contoh terbaik. Dia buat orang:
• Haters rasa "Argh, aku nak tengok dia kena belasah."
• Fans pula rasa "Dia ni genius, aku nak support."

Tapi kau tahu apa yang menarik? Dua-dua pihak tengok dia.
➡️Lesson learned: Dalam bisnes atau hidup, it's okay kalau kau tak boleh buat semua orang suka. Asalkan kau buat orang peduli. Siapa yang neutral, tak akan beli apa-apa dengan kau.

2. Consistent Content Creation✅

Jake tak pernah miss buat content:
• Dia ada YouTube yang berjuta subscribers.
• Post hari-hari kat IG, TikTok, dan Twitter – tak kisah samada training highlights atau calling out rivalries.
• Buat orang rasa dekat dengan dia, walaupun haters sekali pun follow sebab nak tahu apa dia buat seterusnya.

➡️Lesson learned: Konsistensi ni buat dia stay relevant. Sama ada orang suka atau benci, nama dia sentiasa trending. Even anak aku darjah 6 pun kenal dia.

3. Dia Pandai Manipulasi Media✅

Jake tahu media suka controversy. Jadi dia:
• Cari gaduh dengan nama besar (Conor McGregor, Floyd Mayweather, Nate Diaz).
• Call out legenda macam Mike Tyson atau Canelo Alvarez.
• Sebarkan rumor yang buat media tulis berita tanpa henti.

➡️Lesson learned: Setiap headline pasal Jake Paul adalah free marketing. Media benci dia pun, tetap tolong promosi dia!

4. Faham Target Audience✅

Jake fokus kepada Gen Z dan Millennials yang suka drama, hiburan, dan instant gratification. Dia tahu boxing purists mungkin benci dia, tapi:
• Fans dia tengok sebab entertainment.
• Haters tengok sebab nak dia kalah.

Dia pandai bagi apa orang nak: showmanship, bukan sekadar boxing.

And then lepas Jake Paul menang lawan Mike Tyson, satu gelanggang penuh dengan wartawan dan orang. Masa tu, pandai pula dia puji-puji dan agungkan Mike Tyson. Masa ni aku yang rasa dia annoying, aku rasa dia “eh baik juga Jake paul ni”

Dalam buku "Subtle Words That Sell", ada cerita pasal teknik REFRAMING ni. Skill gila b*bi untuk mengubah perspektif orang dari benci kau kepada suka kau. 

Kadang-kadang kat sekolah dulu pun ada je yang guna teknik ni. Acah-acah buli crush kau, pastu buat-buat gentleman depan dia. Dasar buaya. Haha. Tiber. 

So, apa jadi lepas dia menang? Tone dia tukar 180 darjah. Dia puji Mike Tyson. Dia cakap Tyson inspirasi hidup dia. Dia jadikan lawannya bukan musuh, tapi mentor.
Itulah dia reframing. Dia tahu cara buat orang berhenti benci dan mula hormat.

Dan sebab tu, Jake Paul menang lebih dari sekadar fight.
• $40 juta terus masuk poket.
• Haters? Still bercakap pasal dia.
• Media? Terus buat dia trending.


Kita boleh tak suka Jake Paul, tapi kita kena akui: Dia faham game attention economy. Dalam dunia ni, siapa yang orang ingat, dia yang menang – bukan siapa yang semua suka.

Apa takeway yang kita boleh ambil

1. Berani Jadi Lain dari yang Lain
• Jangan takut cuba idea baru atau luar dari comfort zone kau.
• Originality buat orang ingat kau.

2. Konsistensi Itu Kunci
• Sentiasa muncul depan pelanggan atau audience.
• Consistency builds trust.

3. Cerita Kau Lebih Penting dari Produk
• Orang suka cerita struggle dan perjalanan.
• Jadikan naratif hidup kau satu inspirasi. Kalau bukan untuk orang luar, atleast untuk keluarga kau.

4. Fokus pada Target Audience
• Jangan cuba puaskan semua orang sebab memang takkan boleh.
• Tumpukan pada pelanggan yang betul-betul perlukan produk kau.

Fighter di hati Intan. cia3x

Tuesday, November 19, 2024


This Book written by Robert Greene that offers a Series of Strategies for Obtaining and Maintaining Power in various situations. 

I Will leave you a summary of the 48 Laws:

Don't Outshine the Boss: Make your Superiors feel Superior. Don't expose your Talent too much or you might Trigger their Insecurity.

Don't Trust friends too much, use your Enemies: Friends Betray you more easily, but if you Manage to WIN an Enemy, they will be more Loyal.

Hide your Intentions: Keep People Off Balance so they can't anticipate your Actions.

Always say Less than Necessary: Silence Breeds Power, and Talking too much Reveals your Plans.

 Protect your Reputation at all Costs: Reputation is the Cornerstone of Power.

Call Attention at all Costs: Be Visible to be Relevant.

Make others Work for you and Attribute it: Take Advantage of the Work and Effort of others to your Advantage.

Make others come to you: Don't Run after Others, make them Look for you.

Win with Actions, Never Arguments: Prove your Point through Actions, Not Words.

Avoid Losers and Unhappy: The Misfortune of others is Contagious; stay away from those who Bring you Down.

Make People Depend on you: If others Depend on you, you're in Control.

Disarm with Sincerity and Selective Generosity: Emotional Disarmament will give you an Edge.

When you ask for Help, Appeal to the Interests of Others: Appeal to what Benefits Others, not Gratitude or Compassion.

Introduce yourself as a Friend, act as a Spy: Learn to Extract Valuable Information from others without them Noticing.

Crush your Enemy Completely: Do not let your Enemy Recover, or he will seek Revenge.

Use Absence to Increase Respect: The Value of something Increases with Scarcity..

Keep Others in Suspense: Be Unpredictable, you will Confuse Others and Gain Power.

Do Not Isolate yourself: Loneliness Weakens you; Engage yourself in the Web of Influence.

Know Who You’re Dealing With: Choose Your Opponents And Partners Wisely.

Don't compromise with anyone: Maintain your Independence so you don't get Caught up in other People's Affairs.

Pretend to be a Fool to Catch the Sly: Let others think they have an Advantage over you.

Use the Surrender Tactic: Sometimes giving in at the Right Time gives you the Advantage.

Focus your Forces: Keep your Energy Focused on what really Matters.

Be a Master at Simulation and Disguise: Don't reveal all your cards.

Recreate your own identity: Be the architect of your own destiny.

Keep your hands clean: Make sure the responsibility for the problems falls on others.

Play with people's needs to create devotion: Satisfy their deep desires to earn you their loyalty.

Be bold in acting: Timidity is dangerous, boldness is powerful.

Plan everything to the end: Having a detailed plan allows you to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Make your accomplishments look easy: Minimize the effort you put in to make others think you have innate talent.

Control Other People's Options: Guide the decisions of others by giving them limited options.

Play with people's fantasy: Appeal to people's emotions and dreams to gain clout.

Discover the weaknesses of others: Identify what drives people to manipulate their actions.

Be rule in your behavior: Power lies in the appearance of greatness and dignity.

Master the art of timing: Don't rush; everything has its right time.

Despise what you can’t have: Don’t obsess over things that are out of your reach.

Create engaging spectacles: Theatrics and spectacles capture attention.

Think as you wish, but behave like everyone else: Do not openly defy social norms.

Stir the waters to catch fish: Destabilize others to make mistakes.

Despise free: What is free usually comes with a hidden cost.

Avoid imitating great men: Forge your own path instead of following in the footsteps of others.

Beat the shepherd and the sheep will scatter: He demolishes leaders to weaken his followers.

Work on the hearts and minds of others: Conquer the spirit of people to control them.

Disarm and anger with mirror effect: Reflect the actions of others to destabilize them.

Preach the need for change, but never reform too much: Radical change can generate resistance.

Never look too perfect: Perfection breeds envy and haters.

Don't exceed your goal: When you achieve what you want, retire on time.

Be amorphous: Be adaptable, don't limit yourself to a rigid form.

These laws are designed to handle situations of power, but it's important to consider context and personal ethics when applying them.

Here's the Good News ๐Ÿ—ž️ Afiya Al-Fayiz and just completed writing The 48 Laws of God's Power : Building power and wealth using God's laws. 

Message her for pre orders these are already flying ๐Ÿชฝ off the shelf. 

Friday, November 15, 2024

6 Japanese Techniques to Overcome Laziness

Here are 6 Japanese techniques to overcome laziness.

1. Ikigai

Find your purpose in life. Find something that makes you want to wake up every day because your goal is your fuel.

2. Kaizen

Focus on small things every day instead of trying to do everything at once.

3. Shoshin

Approach every task like a beginner with the same desire to know as if you're doing it for the first time.

4. Harahachibu

Don't force yourself with food. When you're 80% full, stop eating. This will increase your energy.

5. Pomodoro

Work for 25 minutes without interruption. Rest for 5 minutes, then repeat. This is a good way to finish more tasks in a shorter period of time. 

6. Wabisabi

Accept imperfections rather than stress with every small detail. Act better than waiting for perfection because often, perfection cannot be achieved. 

If you don't follow Zenwheel,  you may never see us again. If you do, congratulations. You grow every day.

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Skyrocket your business with ai prompt

1/ Deep Dive into a Topic:


"Act as an expert on [subject], explain the most important concepts, and provide real-world examples to illustrate each. Then, give me a step-by-step guide to master this topic in the next 30 days."

2/ Personalized Learning Plan:


"Help me design a personalized learning plan for mastering [subject]. Break it down into daily learning tasks, recommended resources, and practical exercises I can do to build my skills."

3/ Critical Thinking Challenge:


"Challenge me with a series of thought-provoking questions on [subject]. After each question, provide feedback on my answer and suggest how I can improve my critical thinking on this topic."

4/ Socratic Dialogue:


"Guide me through a Socratic dialogue on [concept]. Ask questions that will help me uncover the deeper layers of this idea and refine my understanding step-by-step."

Monday, October 21, 2024


From the book Rich DAD Poor DAD, by Robert Kiyosaki

1. Don’t work for money:

Rich don’t work for money. If you work for money, your mind will start thinking like an employee. If you start thinking differently like a rich man, you will see things differently. Rich works on their asset column, every dollar in their asset column is their hard-working employee.

2. Don’t be controlled by emotions:

Some people’s lives are always controlled by the two emotions of fear and greed. Fear keeps people in this trap of working hard, earning money, working hard, earning money, and hoping that it will reduce their fear. Secondly, most of us have the greed to get rich quickly. Yes, many people become rich overnight, but they have no financial education. So educate yourself and don’t be greedy or fearful.

3. Acquire assets:

Don’t buy liabilities on your way to financial freedom. People buy liabilities and think these are assets, but they are not. Many people buy luxuries first, like big cars, heavy bikes, or big houses to live in. But the rich buy assets and their assets buy luxuries. The rich buy houses and rent them, and they pay them for their Lamborghinis. The poor or middle class buy luxuries first, and the rich buy luxuries last.

4. Remember the KISS principle:

KISS stands for keeping it simple, and stupid. Don’t be too overloaded your mind when you are going to start your way to financial freedom. Things are simple and keep them simple. The simple thing to remember is assets put money in pocket and liabilities take money out of pocket. Always buy assets so they put money into your pocket.

5. Know the difference between assets and liabilities:

Assets are anything that puts money in your pocket, like stocks, bonds, real estate, mutual funds, rental properties, etc. Liabilities are anything that pulls money out of your pocket, like your house, your car, debt, etc. People think their home is their biggest asset, but it is not. A house is an asset when it generates money like when you rent a house, it generates money, and when your life in that house becomes a liability.

6. Don’t be a financial illiterate:

A person can be highly educated and become successful in their profession, but financially illiterate. Financial education is very important for any individual. Our schools and colleges did not teach us financial education. Many financial problems arise as a result of a lack of financial education. Start learning financial education and I suggest you read the book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad".

7. Increase your Wealth:

Wealth is defined as a person's ability to survive for a certain number of days in the future, or how long they could survive if they stopped working today. Consider your wealth and whether you would survive if you stopped working today for a year.

8. Mind your own business:

If you have a job, keep your job and start a part-time business and work it. Use the time that you spend on your iPhone, parties, or any other activity, to build your business. Never leave your job until you build your own business. Don’t struggle all of your life for someone else. Start your own business and grow your business.

9. Train your mind:

Your biggest asset is your mind. Many individuals watch opportunities with their eyes, but if you train your mind, you can see opportunities with your mind. If you train your mind well, it can create enormous wealth.

10. Learn technical skills:

Your financial IQ will be raised by learning these four technical skills:

Accounting is defined as the ability to read numbers. If you want to build an empire, then this is an essential skill. By learning this skill, you will be able to understand the strength and weaknesses of a business.

Investing: It is the science of making money.
Understanding markets: It is the science of supply and demand.

The Law: A person who has knowledge of the law of tax advantages and corporations can get rich faster than others.

11. Find opportunities that everyone else missed:

"Great opportunities are not seen with your eyes. They are seen with your mind. "

You can see many more opportunities with your mind than many people miss with their eyes. It is not rocket science, you just need to train your mind.

12. Learn to manage risk:

Investment is not risky, not knowing the investment is risky. If you want to reduce the risk, then increase your knowledge. This knowledge will not come by going to college, it will come by reading books or sitting with people who know the investment.

13. Learn management:

The main management skills are:

Management of cash flow
Management of system
Management of people
Sales and marketing are the most essential skills. The ability to sell and the ability to communicate with another human being, be it a customer, employee, fiancรฉ, friend, or child, is a basic skill of personal success.

14. Manage fear:

“Failure inspires winners. Failure defeats losers.”

Everyone has a fear of losing money.

Apa Nak Buat dengan Duit Pencen

“ Tahun depan, saya nak pencen, umur 55, return pelaburan kat Public Mutual dalam 200k, 
Kalau ambil pulangan tu saja untuk angkat kereta EV ni ok tak?”

Tanya client saya yang kami jumpa minggu lepas, 
Kebetulan dia ada meeting kat HQ dia, so kami minum kat klcc 

Kat ruangan legar ada kereta China brand Xiaomi buat display , price tag tak silap saya dalam 180k.  

Btw, client saya ni start invest guna akaun 1 ep£, lebih 10 tahun dia melabur, setiap 3 bulan, never miss , regardless time market menaik, menurun.. 

Saya remind dia balik, duit pencen ni memang sedap
Dapat sedebuk, campur campur semua lebih sejuta

Nak beli kereta cash pon mampu
Tapi, saya cakap kat dia balik, kalau tak ada kepeluan tak perlu la nak beli kereta.

Hutang rumah dia tak abis lagi. 
Settla la hutang hutang yang sedia ada. 

Dan duit pencen ni, elak lah buat kenduri anak kawen besar besaran
Ni antara factor utama cepat abis. 

Selain tu, ramai yang berhabis duit buat renovation rumah, 
Yang peliknya kalau anak dah besar, buat apa nak besarkan rumah lagi.

Buat business pun sama, ramai yang tak ada pengalaman selok belok berbusiness tapi gunakan duit ni untuk buka restoran, skim francaise, etc. 
Kalau lingkup abis duit tu nanti

Dan paling penting, jauhi skim cepat kaya
Ni ramai yang tergoda. 

Duit pencen ni, sebahagian besar masuk la kat low risk investment, enjoy je the return

Btw, yang muda muda lambat lagi pencen, nak melabur akaun 1, boleh whatapps saya, link kat komen..

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Kisah Bisnes D'Apple SOS

Sepanjang hampir 20 tahun dalam dunia bisnes membina brand D'Apple ni, kami suami isteri pernah :

1- Isteri terus masuk dapur (memasak) pada hari ketiga bersalin sebab terpaksa bukak kedai (tak ada duit dan terbelenggu hutang)

2- Hutang kiri kanan ditekan siang dan malam (depresi) sampai tak cukup tidur (berbulan-bulan lamanya hidup dalam tekanan sampai jadi kurus cekeding). Isteri tolong jawab telefon ketika dah tak mampu jawab panggilan hutang

3- Pernah tak tidur sampai 4 hari sebab kena hantar stok niaga ke beberapa negeri. Terpaksa hantar sebab sangat perlukan duit jualan untuk bayar belanja dan pembekal. Waktu itu stok tu je yang kami ada untuk tukar jadi duit. Isteri bergilir memandu jika dah mengantuk sangat

4- Semua pekerja berhenti sekaligus di waktu kami dilanda masalah. Tinggal kami suami isteri terkontang kanting tak dapat buka kedai. 

5- Terpaksa berniaga dengan anak masih merah (belum luruh tali pusat) dibawa ke restoran. Buaian letak kat tepi dapur..

6- Tinggal dalam rumah sewa (sebenarnya stor) yang tersangat kecil berhimpit-himpit 6 beranak selama 6 tahun. Isteri tak mengeluh langsung

7. Pernah berlaku dengan komitmen tetap RM30,000 sebulan, duit dalam poket tinggal tak sampai RM100.00. Isteri OK jer..

8- Selama 6 bulan tak pernah beli pakaian baru. Pernah 2 / 3 tahun satu keluarga beraya dengan baju sama. Masih senyum sokmo ๐Ÿ˜Š

9- Kereta sampai 5 bulan tak bayar ansuran (kereta kenari), dihambat bank untuk tarik. Itu adalah satu-satunya kereta yang kami ada pada waktu itu untuk berniaga. 

10. Makanan tak ada kat rumah nak makan, kami sekeluarga terpaksa ke rumah mertua untuk alas perut. Tapi mereka tak tahu yang kami kehabisan duit untuk beli makanan pada waktu tu. ๐Ÿ˜ฐ

11. Isteri tak pernah mintak langsung barang kemas sepanjang hidup bersama

Dan banyak lagi..

Bukan nak jaja cerita sedih. Tapi sekadar nak bagitahu berniaga ni bukan senang. Tapi jika ada isteri yang memahami, menyokong  dan sama-sama membantu, tiada apa yang tak dapat kita harungi bersama. InshaAllah..

Sekarang pelbagai produk sos D'Apple sudah berada di seluruh Malaysia dan D'Apple Fried Chicken (DFC) akan membuka 100 cawangan di seluruh semenanjung Malaysia sedikit masa lagi. 

Tanpa dia, aku takkan berjaya disini harini..

Terima Kasih Allah..
Ditulis oleh Abdul Hakim Awang dan ini isteri beliau Nuraine Mohamed Zin